


Greek-Catholic Church, clergy, Ukrainian-Polish relations, parliament, Galician Sejm, Austrian Reichsrat, A. Sheptytskyi


Along with the proclamation of independence in our country the process of national and religious life revival began. Today, the church continues to strengthen its role as a full-fledged institution of civil society. Being separated from the state according to the Constitution, it is not separated from the human community, but on the contrary, the church closely interacts with it, trying to provide it with spiritual support, to improve morale, to conduct active charitable, cultural, educational and social work.

A striking example of this relationship is partnership and constructive cooperation in the interests of the development of Ukrainian society. This situation is due not only to the establishment of democratic principles in the life of the Ukrainian state, but also to the return of our people to traditional spiritual values, deep historical traditions which today are trying to revive the community, state and church.

Taking into consideration the active integration of Ukraine into the European community, the scientific research which highlights the historical context of the participation of the Galician Greek Catholic clergy in state-building processes is becoming of great importance. In this context, we are talking about the political plane of Ukrainian-Polish relations in the second half of the nineteenth century and its participation in them.

A retrospective of Ukrainian-Polish relations and Greek-Catholic Church participation in these processes today occupy an important place in historical science, as Ukraine and Poland have always been close not only as neighbours but also as countries with the common historical past. In addition, at the present stage Poland is actively and comprehensively helping Ukraine to defend its state and territorial integrity.

Despite the fact that there are many dramatic episodes and contradictory moments in the history of Ukrainian-Polish relations, the need to thoroughly investigate these issues through new sources and approaches remains topical. Similar moments were emphasized by the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi at the press conference in Warsaw in August 2019.

“I am glad that there are no issues in our relations that we could not resolve through dialogue and understanding. We are well aware that tense relations between Ukraine and Poland would be a great gift for our enemies, and, therefore, we should not do it. We have agreed to renew and restart the bilateral working group which will work under the guidance of both presidents, so that all the dark spots of the past will not prevent our peoples from building a common bright future”,Volodymyr Zelenskyi said.



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