Ukraine, Romania, culture, Trypillya-Cucuteni, civilization, Europe, «soft» power, interstate relationsAbstract
The updating of bilateral relations in modern political science is designed to rethink the entire existing system of international relations. Interstate relations are the complex and multi-stage process, where the issue of intercultural com- munication is undeniably important.
The author emphasizes that culture primarily serves as a background that helps build bilateral relations and smoothes out the negatives of misunderstandings or disputes that arise over long years of shared history. Common cultural heritage becomes the driving force that stimulates the search for a common solution and an adequate response to the challenges of the time for the sake of maintaining bilateral relations and peace in the world. Culture occupies an important place in relations between Ukraine and Romania, as it accelerates reconciliation and ensures the cohesion of neighbouring peoples.
At the moment, there is a spiritual revival and self-affirmation of independent Ukraine. An important component of the regeneration of society is a deep study and comprehension of the historical past, the restoration and preserva- tion of cultural memory, the formation of national patriotism, civic position and awareness of oneʼs own responsibility for the preservation of both the inherited cultural heritage and the Ukrainian culture that is being formed today in times of war.
The objective basis for the formation of new approaches in the field of cultural and humanitarian cooperation with Romania is its unconditional support for Ukraine from the first days of the war, the unprecedented solidarity of Ro- manian society with the Ukrainian people in their struggle to defend the na- tional sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraineʼs borders, Romaniaʼs strong condemnation of moscowʼs criminal actions, Bucharestʼs comprehensive encouragement of the European integration aspirations of our country to the Euro-Atlantic area.
The author explored the origin and beginning of the cultural ties’ formation between Ukraine and Romania through the prism of civilizational development and common heritage – the culture of Trypillia-Cucuteni. The author differen- tiates between the concepts of «Old Europe» and «New Europe», reveals the uniqueness of the culture of Trypillia-Cucuteni as an eastern outpost of Europe- an civilization and analyzes it in the context of the modern Russian-Ukrainian war, presents the museum dimension of the culture of Trypillia-Cucuteni, high- lights language and traditions as codes for understanding culture and represents the common culture as the key to successful bilateral intercultural communica- tion.
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