European integration, public administration, consensus, compromise, toleranceAbstract
The article analyzes the ideological platform of European politics, which is based on values: consensus, compromise of tolerance. Taking into account the positive European experience of public administration, it is necessary to take into account the basic values for Ukrainian policy. Features of realization of European values in the context of democratization of Ukrainian society are considered. European values are being analyzed as a system of new opportunities for the sustainable development of Ukrainian society. The educational changes are taken into account – transparency and publicity of the authorities-the development of public media, etc. Pluralism, consensus, compromise – are the main means of achieving political stability in a democratic society. But the prerequisite for any means of achieving political stability is the recognition of the principle of tolerance, since this principle can be stated in three levels: the mega-level, the mea-level and the micro-level. If we take into account the mega-level, which includes the understanding of tolerance as a principle and a means. It is from this angle that we will analyze the European doctrines of tolerance, which serves as a generally accepted principle in achieving stability in the country, and testifies to the high level of political culture of society. that an alternative to the dialogue still exists. And dialogue in its turn serves as a certain value, which can be used in the political-legal and in the socio-cultural and religious plane. The theoretical and practical situation for the achievement of consensus and compromise in Western societies is rich with examples, as well as new achievements. Ukrainian society is currently undergoing a new transformational stage in its development and the use of new principles of consensus and compromise is undoubtedly valuable and important in the life of our state.The essence of political requirements for establishing consensus for the legitimation of transitive political regimes is considered. The effectiveness of political consensus in the context of large-scale political crises is clarified. The significance of the stages of achieving political consensus for the new democracies, including the modern Ukraine, is determined. The content of political consensus and its subject, activity of subjects and objects of political consensus, which interact with each other, is established. The level of the general political and legal culture of consensus relations, which is formed in each transformational society, is also characterized. The peculiarities of the politicalinstitutional balance of political compromise and political consensus are revealed. Because consensus involves agreeing on all and developing a common position. And here about the community to speak too early, because the mechanism itself for processing these solutions involves refusing to resolve conflicts.
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