


EU programs, Eastern Partnership, British Council, Ukraine, Creative Europe, Erasmus , House of Europe, Culture Bridges, Culture and Creativity


The article is devoted to the establishment of cooperation between the countries of Eastern Europe in the framework of the Eastern Partnership program in culture, education and art. The EU's Eastern Partnership program builds cultural bridges between the EU's 28 member states and the EU's 6 Eastern European neighbors - Azerbaijan, Belarus, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine - through programs and initiatives. It is emphasized that EU programs are clearly aimed at using interactions as a tool of cultural diplomacy, building the image and brand of states. And since cultural diplomacy as an instrument of "soft power" is recognized as an increasingly important area of ​​public policy in connection with the need to promptly address issues of national security, positive international image, global communications, the importance of programs to support initiatives in other countries is extremely important. The significant role of the British Council as a structure that is at the same time a non-governmental body, a charitable organization, a state corporation, which significantly expands the capabilities of this institution. Among the most effective programs overseen by the British Council in Ukraine are: Creative Europe (2014-2020), Erasmus + (2014-2020), Culture and Creativity (2015-2018), Culture Bridges (2017-2020), House of Europe -2022). Features and financing of these programs are described. This topic is autumnal and promising for further research, as cooperation in the implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU to promote culture and creative industries, support tolerance and internal unity in Ukraine, as well as to promote common values ​​will continue in new projects and programs, in particular in the extended for 2021-2027 "Creative Europe", where the main focus will be cross-sectoral projects - a combination of culture, audiovisual sector, innovation and modern technology, and Erasmus +, for which key documents have already been signed and the main idea will be the release of creative personality potential, mobility will be a key component.


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