European Union, Ukraine, Information Policy, cooperationAbstract
On the basis of the experience of transformation of educational activity of the Department of International Information of the National University «Lviv Polytechnic», the authors substantiate the introduction of a new subject «Information Policy of the European Union». Along with the solution of the actual educational tasks, the implementation of a strategic course for deepening Ukraine's cooperation with the member states of the European Union and EU institutions, the latter's information policy requires a separate scientific analysis based on the principles of an inter-disciplinary approach. It is quite obvious that the opinion was expressed on the intensification of the information and analytical support for the realization of the civilizational foreign policy vector of Ukraine - the acquisition in the optimum time period of full membership in the European Union in particular. Developing European studies, in particular, the coverage of the information policy of the European Union and individual Member States in recent years, the Department of International Information of the National University «Lviv Polytechnic» has held two international scientific and practical conferences with the publication of collections of materials. Based on the above theoretical and methodological principles of understanding modern information policy within the proposed discipline "Information Policy of the European Union", it is advisable to focus on the analysis of the common information policy and the main directions of cooperation of the European Union countries within the framework of integration process, which will allow its relevance to the strategic objectives and objectives of EU policy.
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