


separatism, separatist movement, ethnic conflicts, secession, irredentism, ethnic community, national identity


The author analyzes the conceptual approach to the study of separatism, which involves a territorial-political movement, the purpose of which is to separate part of its territory from the country and create an independent state. Separatism breaks the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state, the principle of inviolability of borders. The concept essence of the phenomenon under study has been clarified. The essence of the concepts of

«separatism» and «politics of separatism» is defined, the specifics of separatism in the context of other ethno-unification and ethno-separation movements are revealed. Functional models of separatism policy are distinguished, taking into account the nature of the strategic goals of the subjects of separatism and the type of prevailing international relations during a certain historical period. The essence of the dual nature of separatism, its specificity at two levels – domestic and international - is revealed. Attention is drawn to regional varieties of separatism: Western  European  (there   are   8   manifestations   of   separatism);   Eastern   European   (13 manifestations  of  separatism);   Islamic   (6   manifestations   of   separatism);   Asian (14 manifestations  of  separatism);  African  (6  manifestations  of  separatism);  American  (4 manifestations of separatism). It is proven that separatism has deep historical roots, which are connected with the existence of contradictions between the historical traditions of the interaction of states on the principles of state sovereignty and the inviolability of borders on the one hand, and the principle of the right of nations to self-determination, established in the practice of international relations and providing for the possibility of formation of independent states. Centers of separatism in the world imprint the political and geographical position of the territory. Making specific recommendations for reducing the risks of separatism can lead to an understanding of the mechanisms behind this impact.


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