
  • Olha Blyzniak National University of Ostroh Academy
  • Andrii Rykov National University Ostroh Academy




EU, Ukraine, European integration, candidacy for EU membership, the Russian Federation’s full-scale war in Ukraine


It is asserted that the current stage of development of international relations is characterised by actively progressing integration processes both in the world in general and in Europe in particular. On the one hand, connections in already existing associations of various types are being strengthened, new members are entering these associations, and new ones are being created (for example, the Al- liance of Ukraine, Great Britain and Poland). It has been proven that one of the most active actors of modern integration processes in Europe, especially after the full-scale invasion, is Ukraine, which has been carrying out the European integration process for some time, and remains the most important vector of the country's foreign policy.

It is indicated that the European integration of Ukraine is a complex issue, be- cause it involves integration into various European structures and institutions, however, the most critical aspect is the process of accession to the European Union, during which all minimally necessary integration measures take place. This process has been going on for quite a long time in Ukraine. For some time, there were discussions in Ukraine about the choice of integration model, ho- wever, the Revolution of Dignity, the annexation of Crimea by Russia and the Russian-Ukrainian full-scale war finally eliminated the polarity in this issue and, finally, determined the integration priorities of Ukraine in the vector of the Euro- pean path of development.

It has been proven that the European integration process in Ukraine became es- pecially active after the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on the ter- ritory of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. The integration policy of Kyiv in the conditions of a full-scale war is traced. The positions of individual EU member states on the issue of granting Ukraine the status of a candidate for EU member- ship have been analyzed. The list of EU requirements for Ukraine was studied and the achievements in each item of requirements were studied. The problems and prospects of the European integration course of Ukraine are analyzed.


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