Analytical assessment tools of migrant integration into the host society




integration of migrants, system of indicators, Zaragoza indicators, MIPEX, NIEM


The article looks the need to build a system of assessment of the migrant integration into Ukrainian society. Existing and current tools for such assessment are considered. The indicator systems are used to evaluate the integration of migrants. This system (Zaragoza indicators) has been most actively developed and is currently being improved in the European Union, the origins of which date back to 1999. At the beginning, Zaragoza indicators included indicators that analyzed the migrant integration by four areas: employment, education, social inclusion and active citizenship. Then this system was expanded.
Zaragoza indicators have become the basis for building other tools for analyzing migrant integration. The joint project of OECD-EU «Settling In» (2018) covers economic and social outcomes, both through quantitative and qualitative dimensions of integration, and provides a comparison of the integration outcomes for immigrants and their children. Another tool that has used Zaragoza indicators as a basis for analysis is the project Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX), which is to carry out comparative analysis between countries, to evaluate the effectiveness of changes made. 167 indicators have been developed for monitoring. The article also examines the assessment of migrant integration in the project National Integration Assessment Mechanism (NIEM), based on more than 150 indicators, the existing EU integration standards developed and cover different areas and types of expertise. It is noted that in the practical field, there are certain problems in the sources and collection of statistics in assessing the integration of migrants by the indicator system and comparing achievements across European countries.
The European experience of building the system for evaluating the migrant integration is described. The algorithm of building the system of indicators for monitoring the integration of migrants into the host society is determined. The approach to the concept of «indicator» is specified and the characteristics that it should contain are indicated.  


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