The cognitive modeling of the development of threats to personal privacy and state security
cybersecurity, cyber-extortion, crime in the information sphere, attacks with ransom demand, economic damageAbstract
In the article the cognitive modelling of the development of threats to personal privacy and state security is presented. The following factors were chosen for the modelling: «The Personal Privacy», «The Security of State Development», «The Development of Security Systems», «The Online Presence», «Cyber-Attacks», «Losses from Cybercrime», «Security Costs», «The Sustainable Development». The results showed that all factors in the system are destabilizing and sensitive to changes. The «The Online Presence» factor is the most sensitive. This nature of the system indicates that any changes can destabilize the system, causing changes of all other factors. Besides the system itself will be conductive to such changes as it is unstable. Therefore, the whole system of the personal privacy and state security protection needs constant attention and monitoring of all factors’ changes. «The Personal Privacy» and «The Security of State Development» factors are interdependent, because all other factors of the system show almost the same impact on them. Thus, these factors will strengthen with the growth of «The Development of Security Systems», «The Online Presence», «Security costs» and «The Sustainable Development» factors. The increase of the personal privacy protection level will contribute to the increase of state security level and vice versa. At the same time «The Personal Privacy» has a stronger impact on the state security reinforcement in comparison to the impact of the state security on the personal privacy protection on the Internet. Only two factors, «Cyber-Attacks» and «Losses from Cybercrime», will decrease the protection level of privacy and state security, if they grow. The level of privacy protection is more sensitive to cyber-attacks than the state security level is. The level of personal privacy protection has the strongest impact on the state development security level. This impact is 14 % more powerful than the reversed impact. According to the analysis, the protection of personal privacy and personal data should be the main priority in the process of network technologies development, implementation of information and communication technologies in all spheres of public life and information economy development. The state development security protection will require a greater level of security systems’ development than the protection of personal privacy. And it will have 4% less impact on sustainable development.
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