Features of Modern Climatic Diplomacy





diplomacy, climate change, climatic diplomacy, climatic environment, directions of modern diplomacy, subjects of climatic diplomacy


The article states that today in the Ukrainian scientific discourse there are not enough scientific works in which the main aspects of the theory and practice of climatic diplomacy would be considered. Studies devoted to the consideration of climate change problems in political science, as presented by modern Western political science, are absent. The author analyzes the peculiarities of climate diplomacy that follows from the changes that have taken place in the world of modern diplomacy, in particular the growth of the number of participants in world affairs and types of subjects of international relations; change in the levels of engagement of diplomacy and diplomatic activity: from local, domestic, to bilateral, regional and global; the expansion of the area and the volume of objects of diplomacy; change of apparatus and external relations mechanisms and diplomat; change of modes, types and techniques of diplomacy.

The article states that states remain one of the main actors in climate diplomacy, although each of them has different meanings and has different negotiation strategies for the climate issue. Nonetheless, non-state actors play an important role in shaping and implementing a policy on topical issues: global banks, regional, international and supranational organizations, non-governmental organizations and even subnational government bodies, among them are becoming more and more active participants in the climate change architecture, but because of the subjects of climatic diplomacy. Participants in civil society have contributed to the multilateral solution of global problems, including climate change, and so they are our subjects to modern climatic diplomacy.

The author believes that one should take into account: climate diplomacy is carried out at different levels: from local to global; Now is the time to integrate environmental policy in general and, in particular, climate policy into classical foreign policy; Climatic diplomacy has absorbed virtually all the channels that provide modern diplomacy, turning into a toolkit for making collective decisions, finding compromises that satisfy all parties to negotiations on climate change.


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