Specificity of coverage of government processes in polish editions: «Niedziela» та «Tygodnik powszechny» (1989–2005)





transformation stage, totalitarian press, typological media groups, underground press, opposition information system, local publications, daily newspaper


The article is devoted to the research of an important stage of transformation of the Polish press, during which the modern segment of the Polish press market was formed. The subject of the study is the press of «Solidarnis’t», as the modern Polish system of print media emerged from this underground periodical. Scientific questions and research relate to the totalitarian period of the Polish periodicals. Important methods are used in the article: synthesis, functional analysis, comparative analysis, chronological principle. The analysis of the material is based on the study of different types of press of the organization «Solidarnis’t».
The study used a thorough analysis of typological classifications of the press «Solidarnis’ti» by scientists who investigate all types of press of this historical period. The summary table of researchers of the Polish press analyzes all types of underground publications by the following criteria: distribution area, periodicity, form, subject matter. The author compares the classifications of scholars exploring the transformation of the social-communicative system of Polish media. Much attention is paid to the consideration of the chronological stages of the development of the underground press, named in the article stages of development. The chronological analysis of the transformation stage is of great importance as the development phases point to the qualitative transformations in the Polish press and the emergence of new types of press today.
Important units of the media market (the names of Polish publications), which have been transformed into modern types of press under the influence of foreign media, are mentioned in the scientific article. Most types of contemporary media have Polish roots. Consideration of the Polish underground publications indicates that the vast majority of press of the «Solidarnis’t» types exist today or have been transformed into other modern press types. The author analyzes the qualitative changes in the format of Polish publications, their thematic content and compares them with underground publications.


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