


hybrid warаfare, media, manipulative communicative technologies, misinformation, information terrorism


It is confirmed that the media is the most powerful tool for manipulating the consciousness and actions of both the individual and the masses as a whole. They played a key role in the annexation of Crimea and the occupation of Eastern Ukraine by the Russian Federation. These processes were accompanied by manipulative hybrid technologies, when Russia used information weapons in combination with an array of techniques and methods of information aggression. The media has been systematically and constantly used by the aggressor state to undermine the vital interests of this state and social and psychological stability of Ukrainian society, also to conduct occupation policies. Information attacks on Ukraine’s information space became very important during preparation for aggressive actions on the part of Russia. The purpose of the research is to analyze the manipulative technologies of Russian media within the hybrid warfare held on the Ukrainian territory. The tasks of Russian media are to manipulate public opinion, destabilize key spheres of life, and discredit the Ukrainian authorities. Hard information content is formed through the media, and deliberate spreading of misinformation is taking place. Analysis of manipulative communication technologies of Russian media within modern hybrid warfare showed that there are such effective manipulative techniques and methods as: technology of information blockade, use of mediators, technique of history rewrite, method of feedback, psychological shock and sensation, focus, emphasis shift techniques, problem creation, threat creation, and more. The constructive and destructive forms of information influences of Russian media are characterized. The essence of the first form is to create meanings, mythological design of the historical heritage, that is, the formation of signs, symbols, words, verbal constructions, promotion of messages and general narrative. The second form of information influence implements the destructive strategy of the information component within the hybrid war through information aggression, information terrorism, which aims to destroy the basic social meanings, traditions, beliefs, and even legal norms of the adversary, as well as the production of chaos, violence and lawlessness. An effective strategy of Ukrainian society and authorities must include an adequate program of action in response to the aggressor's information actions and the combination of military and information contexts.


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