
  • Olesia Nykytiuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



distributed ledger, blockchain technology, decentralization, e-government, transparency, information sharing, data processing, information infrastructure, distributed database


The features of the implementation of distributed registry technologies in e-governance are explored in the article. Large volumes of information require new solutions and means of processing it. Blockchain technology enables these tasks to be accomplished, providing a high level of data protection and transaction reliability. It has been found that decentralization, implemented through blockchain technology, has a qualitative effect on reducing the level of bureaucracy, increasing the level of automation of processes and increasing public confidence in the government. Blockchain technology has been found to be increasingly used by leading countries in the world to optimize service delivery and reduce the cost of administration and regulation of intergovernmental transactions. Examples of implementation of blockchain technology in different countries of the world and mechanisms of functioning together with the governments of these countries are considered. Prospects for the concept of digital self-government in public administration are defined. The main advantages and purpose of new technology in the transformation of e-governance have been identified. The implementation of a distributed registry system for the government has the effect of reducing economic costs, time and reducing the risk of information mismanagement. The article introduces new opportunities that blockchain technology offers to government agencies, including quickly access the right data while processing large amounts of information. Also, blockchain technologies can potentially be used as an information infrastructure for the exchange of information between public administrations. One of the problems of implementing blockchain in government processes is the method of implementing technology. The means of its application are not quite perfect and much effort is made to enable the state structures to adapt to innovations and to start functioning in full.


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