


United Kingdom, regionalization, political processes, British society


The analysis of the process of regionalization in the UK and the main modern trends of regionalization and their role in the political processes of Great Britain are determined. The positive developments in British society are considered, the reason for which was the expansion of the circle of power competencies of local authorities. It has been established that regionalization can be considered as the result of the general state crisis process, expressed in the diffusion of power, that is, it goes both up – to transnational organizations, and down – to the regions and institutions of the community. The general causes of regionalization are the desire to make the government more efficient, to shift to the regional authorities a part of the decision-making powers, to satisfy the needs of various sectors of society for self- government. It is noted that the problem of regionalization within the country arises today in many countries based on the ideas of autonomy based on history, geography, culture and  other paths that go back centuries and millennia. However, right now, convenient conditions are being created for spreading the very idea of regionalization, the revival of such processes with renewed vigor, which are affected by numerous catalysts, the main one being globalization. National minorities continue to declare their role and receive active support and protection from the international community, firmly relying on international law, using the opportunity to convey their position to the international community and unite like-minded people using all possible means.


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