



Brexit, UK, EU, losses, consequences, economy, international relations


The article is dedicated to the current event for both the EU Member States and for our country – the UK‟s exit from the EU. The British think tanks and experts made completely different predictions, and as a result, in early 2020, Brexit still took place. Further developments encourage analysts and experts from all over the world to make predictions about the development of entire countries as well as in individual industries. Key issues under discussion are: losses to the EU and UK economies; the further fate of Scotland and Northern Ireland; the EU‟s international credibility; the prestige and international standing of Britain; the impact of the processes on Ukraine and its cooperation with the EU and separately with Britain. Gibraltar‟s status remains an important issue for the British government. The purpose of the article is to predict the future events and consequences after the UK‟s accession to the EU for the economic, political and international spheres. The analysis of how the exit of Britain will affect all these factors, what should be avoided and what is difficult to weigh in the Ukrainian state.

The findings indicate that the main problem for Britain is the position of Scotland and Ireland: Scotland: a certain reformatting of structural relations within Britain, between London and the regions will take place and some compromises will have to be made. It is difficult to predict the economic development or decline of Britain. Probably, the first years of Britain will be lost, and then a return to some growth is possible. From the point of view of the consequences for Ukraine, one should not expect grave consequences, since our relations with Britain were not so interdependent. Of fundamental importance for Ukraine will be not so much the impact of Brexit on bilateral relations as its implications for the functioning of the EU in foreign and security spheres.


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