The Phenomenon of «Color Revolution» as a Political Phenomenon of the Present


  • Anhelina Chak Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



«color revolutions», revolution, political revolution, coup d'état, change of power, falsification of elections


The article defines the essence of the concept of revolution and identifies the factors that influence the possibility of its implementation. Different approaches to the definition of «political revolution» are emphasized. The essence of «color revolutions» is considered in comparison with the theoretical approach of many as domestic so foreign researchers.

The author defines peculiarities of the «color revolutions» 1) they are possible only in those societies that have not yet been divided into classes according to the capitalist principle or have not yet realized this division; 2) the form of the revolution is the mass rallies, demonstrations and pickets held by the opposition after the elections, the results of which do not satisfy the opposition. Mass protests lead to a repeat vote or to powerfully seize the authorities with a crowd of Protestants and the escape of major political figures from the country and the holding of elections. In both cases, the opposition comes to power; 3) the revolution takes place under the anticorruption and radical democratic slogans; 4) on the eve of the revolution form numerous youth organizations, which subsequently form the so-called «field detachments of the revolution»; 5) bloodless nature.

The factors contributing to the success of «color revolutions» include: internal and external. The main internal factors are: corruption; economic tension; ethnic conflicts on the territory of the state; the absence of any prospects for the population. In all cases of «color» revolutions, an active role was played by an «external player», without which none of the revolutions would never have happened and this player is the United States of America.

10 factors of «color revolutions», which S. Belkowski defined: external pressure, is emphasized; delegitimization; paralysis of vertical social mobility; contradictions within the ruling elite; lack of a future project; opposition force; the inability of the authorities to use force; regional-ethnic contradictions; personal union of bureaucrats and politicians in the ruling class; An excuse for a revolution could be falsification of elections or a serious local catastrophe.

Illuminated technological algorithm of «color revolutions», as well as analyzed examples of «color revolutions».


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