political technologies, political consciousness, electoral process, digital technologiesAbstract
The article analyzes the influence of political technologies on the political consciousness of citizens during the Presidential elections of Ukraine in 2019. Today, political technologies are precisely the tool that can be used to ensure political stability or to shake and unbalance the political system of society. Therefore, a detailed study of political technologies, which are constantly improving, requires further scientific development. The object of influence of political technologies is people, namely their political consciousness. Political competition, power struggle during the election period, and the formation of state authorities at all hierarchical levels after the election determine the importance of political technologies. The elections in Ukraine in 2019 have become unique precisely because there are many people in the political environment who are far from politics and because most of the «old» politicians have lost support. Another feature of the elections in 2019 is the emergence of new channels of communication with voters: social media such as Instagram, Facebook, Telegram became an effective tool in the fight for support and votes. In the field of politics, information in general and the Internet in particular play such an important role that every political actor today tries to organize their own information flow in the network to influence political consciousness and public opinion more effectively, form a desired image that is in demand in society, or achieve other political goals.
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