



Turkmenistan, China, energy, energy cooperation, gas pipeline, foreign policy


In the article, the relations between Turkmenistan and China in the energy sector are considered. In the context of transformation in political system of the world, the energy interaction of these countries becomes an increasingly interesting topic to study. Nevertheless, even under the influence of various factors, the situation in their energy cooperation has not changed over the years. Now China is one of the world's most important consumers of energy, that’s why the country attaches great importance to developing its energy dialogue with Turkmenistan, which ranks 4th in the world in terms of gas, and considers Ashgabat as one of its main strategic partners in ensuring their own energy security.

The article analyzes the features of Turkmen-Chinese relations in the gas sector. Emphasis is placed on the fact, that having huge gas reserves, Turkmenistan is limited in diversifying its resources on the world market. In recent years, a number of high-level meetings on energy cooperation have taken place between Turkmenistan and China, and a number of legal documents, which define cooperation between two countries in this area, have been signed as well.

The cooperation of official Ashgabat and Beijing is beneficial for both countries but China is currently building its policy in order to put Turkmenistan in long-term financial dependence and receive, in the long run, all Turkmen gas.

The identified contradictions, arisen in the energy dialogue between two countries due to the financial and transport dependence of one of the participants, bring a serious element of tension in the relations between official Ashgabat and Beijing in energy cooperation.


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