Information Globalization in Ukraine: Determination, Peculiarities and Prospects


  • Iryna Koltsova Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



information, globalization, state, Ukraine, legislation, integration


The article deals with the globalization of the information society as a new type of society, which is formed as a result of the global social revolution, the basis of which is the development of information and telecommunication technologies. The subject of the research is to analyze the current state of Ukraine's entry into the world of information space; Identify the positive aspects and problematic aspects of Ukraine's information globalization. It is noted that virtually every European country has the highest level document, which defines a national policy for the construction of information democracy and information society. Ukraine is not an exception and it is also a form. the legal basis for information legislation, which is investigated in the article. The current state of the national information space characterizes the creation of weakly interconnected horizontally and vertically branch, regional and grass subsystems, reflecting the lack of its unity. The unsystematic development of information resources makes it impossible for them to become a determining factor in socio-economic growth. It was emphasized that the underdevelopment of the information component of public administration leaves ineffective communication communications between state authorities and society.


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