E. Macron’s International Projects: Concepts and Practical Implementation


  • Viktor Pavliuk National University of Ostroh Academy




E. Macron, France, EU reforms, speech by E. Macron, projects


The article analyzes the content of E. Macron’s proposals for EU reformation, assesses the possibility of their practical implementation and support inside the European community; moreover, the actions of the Franco-German tandem in the context of EU reformation are characterized; the peculiarities of Franco-Russian relations and the nearest prospects of their development are clarified; the place of Ukraine in the foreign policy concepts of France at the current stage is also comprehended.

  1. Macron’s ambitious proposals for reforming the European Union, that include the idea of ​​creating an EU Ministry of Finance, unifying some taxes, creating a common European army and a common defense budget, forming a pan-European agency for migrants, etc. are aimed at finding solutions to current problems and crises that a united Europe has been facing in recent years. However, such radical steps have not been widely supported in many EU Member States and institutions. Therefore, if to consider the implementation of specific points of the EU reformation project of E. Macron, only those proposals that were included in the Franco-German Mezeber Declaration, i.e., were supported by Germany, found some embodiment. Also, some of the French President’s ideas coincided EU initiatives that were already under development at the time. For example, E. Macron’s proposal to build a European army was superimposed on the EU’s initiative to create “Permanent Structured Cooperation” in the framework of European security and defense policy. At the same time, it is clear that the large-scale idea of ​​a European army cannot be realized in the current conditions.

Franco-German cooperation remains the main for E. Macron in the internal development of the EU and the foreign policy of the integration association. In contrast to the complex issues related to the need to reform the Eurozone where the two countries hold different positions, cooperation between Germany and France in the sphere of defense is in its prosperity. This demonstrates the desire of both partners to collaborate in the international arena and to work to strengthen the unity of the EU.

The most problematic issue in the French-Russian relations is Russian aggression against Ukraine. E. Macron’s calls for normalization of relations with Russia have not found widespread support in the EU and in the West in general; they are rather seen as an undeserved detente.


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