bipolarity, unipolarity, polycentricity, world order, new world order, superpowerAbstract
The article considers the division of the world between developed countries: why there is a need to delimit countries on a certain basis, how the distribution is carried out, what structural elements are involved and what happens to the geopolitical situation due to the division of spheres of influence. The author emphasizes the longevity, consistency and inevitability of these processes. The scientific novelty of the article is not only to use the author’s philosophy to build a logical model of the world order, but also to use historical, economic and political approaches to a comprehensive analysis of this issue and the deprivation of subjectivity in its assessment. The study considers the concepts of bipolarity, unipolarity and multipolarity - their meaning, essence, practical examples from the history of mankind. The author conducts an ontological analysis of the world order as an important component of human existence. The main attention is paid to the superpowers: the USA and the USSR. The author determines the factors led to the hegemony of these countries and the relevant challenges for today. The main attention is paid to the collapse of the Soviet Union as a natural end of the cycle of superpower domination and the fall of the bipolar picture of the world. As a result, a new world order is emerging, led by many states and international groups, which indicates the transition to a multipolar division of the world by spheres of influence. The author examines the transformational processes that have occurred as a result of this transition, describes the main leaders and contenders for the new hegemon. The main favorite is China - the author carefully examines international activities, socio-economic indicators, politics and Chinese views on the position of the superpower. However, the article highlights a group of factors of supranationalism, which objectively do not correspond to China or its main competitors, the EU and Russia. The main points that hinder the above-mentioned countries and prevent them from taking the place of the new world hegemon are analyzed.
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