Manipulative Technologies of V. Putin’s Political Speeches




political leader, political speech, manipulative technologies, V. Putin


Abstract. In the article the tool of manipulating the influence on the audience and explores the speeches of the political leader V. Putin as a means of manipulating the formation of the opinion of the mass audience are analyzed. The manipulation is a prevalent form of interpersonal communication, which understands the influence on the communication partner, with the goal of achieving its hidden motives has been established. The tools of manipulation can be distinguished as follows: language, emotions, repetitions, changes in tempo, fragmentation, one-way decision-making, reduction of contact. The result of the study analysis of the use of manipulative technologies as an influence on the mass audience, allows to distinguish the tasks of each specific language technology in the formation of mass media in political relations. It is also worth noting that language manipulative technologies are part of a large process of coordinating the consciousness of people and directing their decision in the direction desired by the speaker. That is why, in most cases, these manipulative strategies are difficult to distinguish. The question of how to avoid manipulation remains open. In terms of language, it is not possible to withstand this. But much depends on the recipient who perceives the text. In the article Putin’s political speeches and demonstrates that political leaders use a variety of manipulative tools, especially focusing on linguistic manipulation, thus using all manipulative technologies so that the audience does not deliberately adjust to the speaker’s decision are analyzed.


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