political activity, civil rights, emancipation, women’s almanacs, women’s rights, women’s periodicalsAbstract
The article is devoted to highlighting an important historical stage in Galicia ‒ the struggle of active women for their civil and political rights. An active form of women’s struggle was journalistic activity, journalistic and literary work in non-periodical editions ’ almanacs, published by the famous activist Natalia Kobrynska. The struggle of women for their rights has been traced through the prism of Natalie Kobrynsky’s almanac. The history of the publication of Natalie Kobrynsky’s almanacs is investigated. The women’s almanacs were singled out as the first stage in the development of the women’s political press in Galicia. It is proved that women’s almanacs are the first non-periodical (with indefinite periodicals) publications in which the ideas of emancipation spread. The structure, content and articles of active women who have raised urgent problems of Ukrainian womanhood before the public and society are analyzed.
The study conducted a thorough analysis of the thematic and problematic content of women’s almanacs. Due to the descriptive method of research, a comparative analysis of women’s almanacs was carried out and their socio-political character was distinguished. The trends of the Ukrainian women's movement in Galicia as a form of civil and political struggle of the Ukrainian woman for their rights are monitored. It was found that women's civic and political activities developed in the general tendency of the Ukrainian nation’s struggle for self-determination.
The scientific article analyzes the general tendencies of the development of active political and social women’s movement in the countries of Europe, and the Ukrainian women’s movement as its important component. It is found that the Ukrainian women’s movement, women’s non-periodic (almanac) publications and women’s periodicals were actively developing according to European traditions. It is established that women’s non-periodical editions ‒ almanacs were models of political women’s literature, which became a harbinger of political women’s periodicals.
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