security, threat, nuclear program, confrontation, weapons, Asia-Pacific regionAbstract
Based on the analysis of the official yearbooks of Japanese government structures – Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Foreign Affairs ("Whitebook of Defense", "Diplomatic Bluebook") identified main threats in the Asia-Pacific region for modern Japan. The key trends in the policy of China, North Korea and the Russian Federation are analyzed, which create tensions in relations with Japan and are reasons of destabilization in the region. Particular attention is paid to military developments and actions carried out by Japan's immediate neighbors. Key measures taken by the Japanese leadership to counter these threats are highlighted. It is determined that around Japan are concentrated states that have significant military potential in both quantitative and qualitative terms. Clear tendencies concerned further increase of military capacity and intensify the activities of armed forces of the region are observed. This makes country's leadership to look for new approaches to solve security problems. In December 2013, a national security strategy was approved. The main purpose of the strategy is to provide peace, stability and prosperity of the international community in the Asia-Pacific region from the standpoint of active pacifism. In December 2018, at conference National Security Council and Cabinet of Ministers of Japan has been approved Main National Defense Program. It defines the defense potential and required level of defense of Japan in the next ten years. Among planned measures aimed at strengthening defense capabilities includes: the increase of opportunities in such new areas as space, cyberspace and electromagnetic space; the increase in naval and air forces, the potential of air attack means, the comprehensive potential of air and missile defense, the potential of mobile deployment and other traditional types of defense; increasing the defense by making stocks of ammunition and fuel; safety of maritime transport routes and all important infrastructures; strengthening key components of defense potential by increasing human potential and the capacity of technological and industrial bases, as well as reviewing technical equipment, etc. It is stated that now it is possible to record only the main trends in the process of developing the concept of defense and identify key areas in which it can move. At the same time, the growth of the military force in Japan's national security strategy at the present stage is recorded.
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