


national interest, European integration, expansion to the, Central Europe, Visegrad Group countries


The transformation of the states of Central Europe from post-socialist countries with an uncertain future to current members of the European Union is one of the most significant achievements of the European integration process. However, even today the question remains whether this geopolitical action ("expansion to the East") fulfilled the aspirations of its participants and what was the price of an ambitious political step into the European community? Of course, in addition to the obvious participants in the project of enlargement to the East, such as the Visegrad Four and the European Union, the then leaders of the European Union, who pursued their own national interests from the project, also took part in this process. Thus, the negotiation process on the integration of Central European states into the European Union was reflected in the subtle interaction of national interests of its subjects, which led to compromise political decisions that laid the future of the European Union. The study of the national interests of this European integration process reveals the genesis of modern international relations in the EU, the formation of problems and benefits of modern European integration and the reasons for the spread of disintegration processes in the European Union. In addition, an analysis of the realization of national interests through the integration of Central European countries into the EU will provide insight into the extent to which these interests are justified, which in turn will push us to answer what further prospects for EU enlargement in the east and whether outweigh associated risks for post-socialist states.

This article analyzes the national interests of the Visegrad Four countries in the context of their accession to the EU, the desired benefits that have led to political change towards liberal democracy. The expectations of the political elites and the population of the CEE countries from integration into the European Union, which became the main motives for this political step. On the other hand, it examines the political and economic benefits for the EU (in general) and the Allies that led to the decision to expand in 2004.


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