Political Aspect of the Use of Artificial Intelligence


  • Ivan Sabov Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University




artificial intelligence, politics, elections, US elections, Brexit, elections in France, political process


The article analyzes the main aspects of the use of technologies of artificial intelligence in the political sphere. Technologies of artificial intelligence and «big» influence the main political processes of the leading countries of the world, building a world politics. Characterized by the main categories of artificial intelligence used in the political process. The process of using artificial intelligence technologies in the US presidential election in 2016, the presidential election in France and the referendum in the UK (Brexit) are considered. The main negative aspects of the application of methods and means of artificial intelligence in the political sphere and manipulation of public opinion are shown. The main perspectives of the use of technologies of artificial intelligence in politics and support of democracy in the world are determined. The main prospective models of use of means of artificial intelligence for improving the quality of work in the political sphere are outlined. The necessity of further researches on the use of artificial intelligence in the political process is substantiated.


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