


Ukrainian-Georgian relations, foreign policy, NATO accession, partnership, economic ties, cultural and humanitarian cooperation


The article deals with main reasons and peculiarities of the development of current      Ukrainian-Georgian relations. The political dialogue between the states is characterized, the main achievements of which are the invariability of positions on mutual confirmation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and Georgia and the policy of non-recognition, joint implementation of the main goals to the EU and NATO.

The trade and economic cooperation of the states is analyzed, the share of Ukraine in the general foreign trade turnover of Georgia is determined. Examples of the main types of products exported by Ukraine to Georgia in 2020 are given. It is determined that the most important in the trade of the parties are raw materials, resource-intensive and low-tech product groups. It is mentioned that an important factor that significantly affected the economic ties of the two countries was the redistribution of Georgia’s export directions to relatively stable markets (EU countries), which, compared to the post-Soviet space, are more stable and, moreover, markets with high purchasing power.

The prospects of Ukraine and Georgia for joining NATO are considered. It has been identified that Ukraine and Georgia seek to intensify their accession to NATO, considering this as a foreign policy priority. Emphasis is placed on the factors that hinder this process. It is determined that one of the strategic priorities in the relations between Georgia and Ukraine is the expansion of cultural and humanitarian cooperation, which is implemented by improving the bilateral legal framework in this area; development of direct links between scientific and educational, cultural and educational, cultural and artistic organizations and institutions of both countries; providing state support for the implementation of major cultural initiatives.

