


cross-border cooperation, border region, cross-border program, cross-border project, European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI)


The financial aspects of providing the development of cross-border cooperation of border regions in Ukraine as a result of participation in cross-border programs and projects are studied. Ukraine's participation in the joint operational programs of cross-border cooperation of the European Neighborhood Instrument 2014-2020 (Poland-Ukraine-Belarus, Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine, Romania-Ukraine and Black Sea Basin) is analyzed. The strategic goals of the programs correspond to the national and regional strategies of socio-economic development, contribute to the solution of common problems and are aimed at improving the living standards of the population. The projects of the Program Poland-Ukraine-Belarus 2014-2020 were aimed at: the saving of historical and cultural heritage; improving of safety, health care; saving of the natural resources; improving transport links. The implementation of the Program Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine provided support for local culture and historical heritage, tourism; saving of natural resources; improvement of infrastructure; prevention of natural and anthropogenic disasters; health care. The Program Ukraine-Romania supported education and technological development; preservation of historical heritage and local culture; development of transport and communication networks, improvement of security. The priorities of the Program Black Sea Basin are aimed at the environment protection, waste reducing, development of tourism, using the principles of the circular economy, expanding cross-border trade opportunities and modernizing the surrounding agricultural areas. An important advantage of participating in cross-border cooperation programs is the possibility of implementing large infrastructure projects. As their cost is high, the border regions are not able to finance such projects alone and require the investment. The spread of COVID-19 has interfered the implementation of some projects; but the new pandemic projects have emerged. The development of priorities for joint operational programs of cross-border cooperation of the European Neighborhood Instrument for 2021-2027 is going on, the previous experience is taken into account to solve the problems in the future.


