The Role of SWOT-Analysis in the Activities of Political Parties


  • Iaroslav Yarosh Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



elections, political party, political competition, strategy, SWOT-analysis


The article reveals the essence of the SWOT-analysis, which gives the opportunity to identify strengths and weaknesses in the activities of political parties. The aim of the study is theoretical and methodological justification for the use of the SWOT-analysis for the political competition of parties. It was found that the method allows determining the strengths and weaknesses in the functioning of political parties during political activities. SWOT-analysis can be an effective tool for enhancing the competitiveness of political parties during election campaigns. It is proved that in the electoral processes parliamentary and not parliamentary political parties will have to campaign harder. This is due to the high level of political competition, a large number of subjects involved in the political process, by the glut of information on the activities of political parties and the like. The attention is focused on the fact that during the elections it is necessary to define strategic priorities, to carry out tactical operations and adapt to changes in the external environment, to use political management in the management and, therefore, to exercise strategic control. It is noted that the SWOT-analysis is an important tool of strategic management that comprehensively evaluates internal and external factors that affect the specificity of competition policy. The SWOT-analysis generates a matrix of opportunities and threats in the external environment, strengths and weaknesses in the functioning of political parties. SWOT-analysis helps to improve the activities of political parties and gives them alternative information for further development.


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