


USA, Cuba, US-Cuban relations, sanctions, foreign policy


The article examines the relationship between the United States of America and the Republic of Cuba from its inception to the present. The main focus is on the analysis of events that significantly influenced the formation of American policy towards Cuba and determined the nature of its changes.

It is noted that US-Cuban relations are in the form of a long and asymmetric interstate conflict. The United States is using US coercive instruments in its relations with Cuba - sanctions. Washington is using them against Cuba for violating fundamental human rights and freedoms, suppressing democracy and even accusing it of involvement in drug trafficking and sponsorship of terrorism.

American leadership in the XIX century. believed that the neighboring island (former Spanish colony) was to break away from the metropolis and become part of the United States. By helping Cuba free itself from Spanish influence, the United States was given the opportunity to intervene in Cuba's internal affairs militarily to protect US interests. Formation of the regulatory framework of US-Cuban relations in the early twentieth century. shows the interest in cooperation between the two countries, and the desire of the United States to control the situation in Cuba.

US-Cuba relations have suffered from mistrust and antagonism since 1959, when a revolution took place in Cuba in which Fidel Castro overthrew the US-backed regime and established a socialist state that established close ties with the Soviet Union. During the second half of the twentieth century, successive US administrations pursued policies aimed at the economic and diplomatic isolation of the island nation. The United States has sanctioned Cuba longer than any other country.

President Barack Obama has taken extraordinary steps to normalize US relations with Cuba by meeting with leader Raul Castro and restoring full-fledged diplomatic ties. However, President Donald J. Trump has largely changed course, hitting Cuba with new sanctions. Joe Biden's administration may unfreeze the relationship again, but it is not clear how quickly and how well.

