


country studies, international students, multicultural competence


The paper studies the country studies as one of the main components of education of international students, which is an important discipline to ensure a quality educational process in educational institutions. The interpretation of the essence of the categories "multicultural competence" and "country studies" is analyzed and the main characteristics of the discipline "Country studies" are investigated. The main components of the quality of education of international students, which include the quality of values, goals and norms, are analyzed; quality of conditions; the quality of the educational process and the quality of the result of education. A comprehensive description of the discipline "Country studies" is given. It is established that the purpose of the discipline "Country studies" is to study each specific country in the world. It is determined that the object of the discipline "Country studies" are countries as the main units of socio-political organization of the world, their districts and regional groups. It is established that the subject of the discipline "Country studies" is a single territorial macrostructure of the country (geographical area delineated by state borders). The main tasks, principles, directions and functions of the discipline "Country studies" are analyzed. It is determined that within the study of the discipline "Country studies" for international students the following principles apply: the principle of knowledge and creative activity, the principle of gradual transition, the principle of clarity, the principle of forming a positive emotional background, the principle of collective learning and taking into account individual characteristics. humanization. It is established that the use of new approaches to the study of the discipline "Country studies", namely the method of projects, is extremely effective. It is determined that creative works are an effective basis for the formation of multicultural competence of international students. It is established that the purpose of the festivals is to acquaint international students with the peculiarities of the cultures of the world, to promote the formation of personality on the basis of tolerance and mutual respect for other cultures and peoples. The main tasks and examples of implemented regional studies festivals are presented.


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