Postgraduate Student of the Department of Political Science




decentralization in Ukraine, administrative reform, territorial organization, territorial communities, decentralization of public authority


The bases of state regulation of decentralization processes at the local level in Ukraine are considered, which are aimed at the effective outcome of administrative reform. The necessity of the latter is determined by certain reasons, the main ones being as follows: inefficient organization of executive power at the district and oblast level, in particular the high level of centralization of power (instead of decentralization, that is, the transfer of many powers to local self-government bodies); irrational administrative-territorial system characterized by a large number of small settlements; ineffective local government, in particular financial insolvency of the primary (basic) level of local self-government under the declared right of local self-government of the community of each settlement.

It is noted that the emergence of united territorial communities in Ukraine is due to objective factors, most of which are latent in nature. In particular, this is the irreversibility of globalization, which, by influencing all macroprocesses without exception, leads to the loss of Ukraine, and especially the border areas, the advantages of geopolitical placement in the part of the transit bridge between the Russian Federation and the European Union. Another important factor is the lag behind all indicators of socio-economic development, which negatively affects the investment attractiveness of the state and its regions, affecting the investment and innovation indicators of the latter. Also, a constant financial «hunger» in terms of underfunding of regional development programs and a permanent dependence on the indicators of the state budget and government programs puts in place financial factors for community unification. Undeniable influence is carried out by military actions in eastern Ukraine, which united territorial communities in terms of defense and prevention of political provocations, and created the basis for the protection of their own territories


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