


Eastern Partnership, “transformative power”, “normative power”, eastern neighbours, transformation


The paper analyzes the initiative of the Eastern Partnership of the EU through the prism of constructivist concepts of the “normative power” and “transformative power”. The content, mechanisms and results of the implementation of the Eastern Partnership in terms of the effectiveness of the “transformative power” of the EU are analyzed. Institutional and geopolitical constraints and challenges that complicate the implementation of the EU normative influence in the Eastern Partnership countries are studied.

It is reasoned that the EU’s influence in partner countries is based on a complex combination of its economic attractiveness, interdependence, the promotion of international norms and the assurance of closer integration, attractive to some of its eastern neighbors (Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine). Nevertheless, Eastern Partnership founders did not take into account the limitations of the EU’s “transformative power” without the prospect of membership, significant internal obstacles to reforms in partner countries, and geopolitical situation in the region, including Russian influence. The EU’s incompetence to offer strong incentives to deliver real democratic reforms in partner countries, as well as the lack of effective geopolitical levers to counter Russia’s presence in the region, have significantly destabilized the EU’s approach. The tendency to geopoliticize the Eastern Partnership, which can be traced back to the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, is inevitable. However, it is premature to claim that it reduces the level of transformative ambitions of the EU in the region, which would lead to irreparable damage not only to its Eastern policy, but also to its overall subjectivity in the international arena. For Ukraine (as well as probably for Georgia and Moldova) to become part of a united Europe, the EU must not lose its normative influence and economic gravity, though it must also proceed from the realization of its existence as a geopolitical power capable of active diplomacy and effective use of the levers of political influence.


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