
  • Serhii Fedoniuk Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
  • Ihor Karpuk Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University



information security, politics, West, East


This study defines the matter of information (cyber) security policy, its origins, and the goals of leading international actors in terms of international cooperation. We analyzed existing approaches to the study of international cooperation in the field of information (cyber) security and determined the subject area of research while taking into account the main scientific and regulatory approaches. We defined the main threats in the information sphere in terms of the interests of international relations. Additionally, we analyzed issues of international law related to the specifics of information and cyberspace. The study researched the approach to the implementation of policy and international activities of major international actors in the field of information (cyber) security - the United States, Russia, China, the European Union.  

We determined that the dichotomy of the main concepts of information (cyber) security, based on the profound differences between democratic and authoritarian approaches in this policy area, is still growing and strengthening. At the heart of these differences are interests that are critical to each of the systems. On the one hand, these are the interests of democratic systems based on the transparency of government and the need to preserve freedom of information and free competition. On the other hand, these are the interests of authoritarian systems, the strength of which is based on the total management of information and its control. Also the basis of the approach of authoritarian systems is created by the dominant participation of the state in public life and economy. Domestic and foreign information (cyber) security policies are based on these approaches. In accordance with their interests, the main international actors develop and promote relevant concepts of information (cyber) security on international platforms. They substantiate positions in the areas of state sovereignty, Internet governance, application of international law in cyberspace, availability of information technology, etc. 


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