
  • Мaria Pavlyuh Lviv Polytechnic National University




women’s movement, women’s periodicals, patriotic press, Ukrainian national idea, woman-citizen


The article analyzes: the political issues of the women’s publication «Zhinocha dolia» editorial departments, permanent and temporary sections. The general characteristic of the well-known Kolomyia magazine for women is given. Trends in the development of women’s periodicals in Kolomyia have been established. The stages of development of the magazine are considered. Evolutionary changes in the worldview paradigm regarding the role of women in society are presented. Negative stereotypes about the indifference and inactivity of rural women in the political life of their country have been changed. The formation of the image of a woman-citizen on the pages of the publication is traced. Popular thematic rubrics among rural and urban women are traced. It was found that the women's maga- zine in Kolomyia «Zhinocha dolia» began the development of women's political journalism in the first half of the twentieth century. It is indicated that the maga- zine developed according to genre and thematic features characteristic of the press of this period. The main typological features of the development of «Zhino- cha dolia» are studied, in particular the publication of supplements and almanacs, which had a certain frequency. It is noted that the almanacs of «Zhinocha dolia» were also non-periodical publications with this frequency, which were new in the history of Western Ukrainian women’s periodicals. The main departments of the editorial work, in particular the international one, which brought the magazine to a new, international level and popularized it abroad, were studied. It is estab- lished that the almanacs of «Zhinocha dolia» were a continuation of the almanac tradition in women’s periodicals, initiated by N. Kobrynska. It is proved that the magazine «Zhinocha dolia» and its supplements, including almanacs formed the civic consciousness of Ukrainian women, the image of a woman-citizen, from the slow for the fate of their own people and spiritual and patriotic education of the younger generation of the Ukrainian nation.


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2. Zhinocha dolia. Ch.1. 1925. (In Ukrainian)
3. Zhinocha dolia. Ch.1. 1926. (In Ukrainian)
4. Zhinocha dolia. Ch.1. 1929. (In Ukrainian)
5. Zhinocha dolia. Ch.2. 1925. (In Ukrainian)
6. Zhinocha dolia. Ch.5. 1929. (In Ukrainian)
7. Zhinocha dolia. Ch.6. 1926. (In Ukrainian)
8. Zhinocha dolia. Ch.6. 1929. (In Ukrainian)
9. Zhinocha dolia. Ch.8. 1927. (In Ukrainian)
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11. Peredyrii V., A. (1996). Chasopys «Zhinocha dolia» yak dzherelo doslidzhennia zhinochoho rukhu [Magazines «Zhinocha dolia» as a source of research on the women's movement]. Zb. prats Naukovo-doslidnoho tsentru periodyky. Vyp.1. Lviv. S.27−31. (In Ukrainian)
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