State Borders Functioning and Development of Border Regions


  • Roman Kotsan Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



state border, functions, contact border regions, state institutions, political process


The issue of the state border was studied. It was emphasized that the state border is a multi-component and multifunctional phenomenon. It was proved that a legally established and internationally recognized border acquires a sign of politicality. It was emphasized that the political boundary is a holistic and dynamic phenomenon, which inherent in the internal logic of development. It is developed under the influence of many external and internal factors and can be transformed.The functional features of the state border were generalized. The main, secondary and specific functions of the state border were considered. The role of certain border functions in establishing links between adjacent states was shown. The issues of functioning and institutional support of state borders were generalized. The influence of state borders on the development of border territories was revealed. A scheme for the development and integration of contact border areas has been developed. The factors of contact border regions development were studied. The process of various types of regional socio-economic systems formation under the condition of the predominance of state border certain functions was analyzed. Regional socio-economic systems of weak and middle level of integration, as well as integrated border social and economic systems have been identified. It was emphasized that under the condition of the predominance of barrier and filtering border functions on the border contact areas of adjacent states, «isolated» regional socio-economic systems can be formed, and the effect of specific functions here influenced to the formation of an unstable socio-political environment. In the case of the predominance of the contact function of the border within the contact border areas, regional socio-economic systems of the medium-integrated level or the level of full integration were formed. The importance of the functioning of state borders and the development of border regions for the formation of various types of ties, the level of stability of the border and the formation of a political environment have been clarified.


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