Transnistrian conflict, international conflict, Republic of Moldova, security, international mediation, negotiationsAbstract
The article presents an analysis of attempts to resolve the Transnistrian conflict of 1992-2019. The main approaches and technologies are described and it is determined what goals have been achieved within their framework. The main projects for resolving the situation are described - the Agreement on the Principles of Peaceful Settlement of the Armed Conflict in the Transnistrian Region, the Memorandum on the Principles of Normalization of Relations between the Republic of Moldova and Transnistria, the Kozak memorandum, and the Big Package for Moldova.
The Transnistrian conflict, during its existence and attempts to resolve it, has demonstrated the wide variety of negotiation formats described in the article. The activities of international mediators, in particular the OSCE, are described. The dependence of the course and structure of the negotiation process on the political and geopolitical situation is shown. The created negotiating platforms were analyzed, such as: the Joint Control Commission (JCC), the Standing Meeting on Political Issues within the Negotiation Process on the Transnistrian Settlement, the Bavarian Conference, and the Mezeberg Initiative.
The result of the work of these sites in the work is determined by the collapse of the conflict, the cessation of the acute phase of the confrontation and its "freezing".
Particular attention is paid to the factors that led to the success of the communication and negotiation phases in the conflict resolution process, namely: the formation of clear principles for negotiations, the use of the "three baskets" model and the strategy of "small steps".
The conclusions emphasize that the course and structure of the negotiation process largely depends on the political and geopolitical situation, considering these types of conflict with opposing views of the conflict sides, to resolve and solve the conflict isn’t common, but to "freeze", or postponement of the final decision indefinitely is. "Shuttle" and "conference" diplomacy have shown their limited effectiveness for such conflicts, with opposing views on the situation of the immediate parties.
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