European integration, European Union, EU member, candidate country, Russian aggressionAbstract
The article is devoted to the European integration of Ukraine in the active phase of the Russian-Ukrainian war, which began in February 2022. It analyzes the fea- tures of Ukraine's European integration aspirations towards joining the EU. The procedure of accession of the candidate country to the EU in accordance with the EU Treaties and the criteria of membership are described. Ukraine’s main steps towards accession have been identified since 28 February 2022, when it applied for EU membership.
The article assesses the activities of EU structures in considering Ukraine's ap- plication for EU membership and analyzes the decisions taken by them. Possible options for obtaining the status of a candidate country and starting negotiations have been identified. The process of Ukraine's accession to the EU was compared with other candidate countries. The position of a number of EU member states on the prospects of Ukraine’s membership in the EU is analyzed. A group of coun- tries that support Ukraine on this path and a group of countries that oppose our country's accession to the EU have been identified.
It is determined that obtaining the status of a candidate country for accession to the EU will indicate that Ukraine will later become a member of the EU and will be subject to enlargement policy. This status will be an impetus for the continua- tion of reforms and transformations in all areas and further integration of Ukraine into the EU common market. As a candidate country, Ukraine will have access to EU financial instruments that will help better reform and implement EU legisla- tion. The author makes a forecast for the start of accession talks for Ukraine. An op- timistic forecast is proposed, which assumes that the talks will begin in 2023, when the active phase of the Russian-Ukrainian war ends, and their beginning will depend on the political will of EU member states. is that Ukraine will not be able to start membership talks until the end of the war with Russia, which may last several years and may slow down until basic security issues are resolved.
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