
  • Olena Sakaliuk Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University



public diplomacy, international integration, intercultural communication, interdisciplinary approaches, cross-cultural training, intercultural contacts


The article analyzes domestic and foreign scientific sources on the essence of cross-cultural training of future teachers of higher education as a factor in public diplomacy; issues related to the implementation of cross-cultural approach in the higher education system; identified cross-cultural prerequisites for education and upbringing of the individual in modern society; an analysis of the main aspects of cross-cultural training of future teachers of higher education institutions; specific features of the main approaches to the interpretation of cross-cultural training of future teachers are revealed. The principles of philosophical and cultural embodi- ment of ethnic and educational strategies and the importance of their application in pedagogical practice are also considered; proposed steps to optimize the func- tioning of public diplomacy policy; the relationship between cross-culture and education as factors in improving the system of professional education of future teachers of higher education institutions is revealed; the necessity of in-depth study of the mechanisms of cross-cultural readiness of future teachers for public diplomacy is substantiated. The article proves the narrowness of the approach to the interpretation of cross-cultural training of future teachers of higher educa- tion as an important personality trait of teachers, which manifests itself only at the level of interaction of different national cultures and determines worldviews, creativity, values, beliefs; the classification of components of professional and pedagogical training of future teachers of higher education institutions on the ba- sis of cross-cultural approach is offered, such as: axiological, target, technologi- cal and personal creative. The author singles out an alternative interpretation of cross-cultural training of a teacher of a higher education institution, as the ability of a higher school teacher to effectively communicate with students through the possession of cultural and specific knowledge; the conditions of realization of cross-cultural training of future teachers of higher school are analyzed; the article highlights the important role of international diplomacy as a system of actions, exchange of ideas, information, values, traditions, beliefs and other aspects of cross-cultural interaction; a clear list of tasks that need to be implemented in the context of a cross-cultural approach. The conclusions of the study are based on a set of cross-cultural aspects of ethnic education and the formation of pedagogical readiness of future teachers.


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