
  • Nataliya Nikolaienko Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuildingof Mykolaiv



information front, Russian-Ukrainian hybrid war, information-manipulative technologies, national security, information security, misinfor- mation


Features of the information component of the Russian-Ukrainian war are considered. It is determined that after the destruction of the information space of Ukraine there was a Russian aggression in 2014 against Ukraine, annexation of Crimea and seizure of Ukrainian territories in 2022. Ukraine’s information sphere was attacked by Russia and proved most vulnerable in the security sector. The characteristic of the information front is carried out and it is determined that the modern dimension of war has a hybrid character and is most active in the information space, namely: formation and promotion of information meanings and flows; spreading fakes, misinformation; public opinion sup- port of values, guidelines and narratives of the aggressor country, informa-tion diplomatic front, information work of the leadership of the Ukrainian state, regional authorities, public and political figures. The analysis of information political technologies gives grounds to assert the characteristic feature of their construction – all of them are either par- tially or completely borrowed from propaganda clichés and techniques of the times of the Russian Empire or the Soviet Union. It has been determined that so far the Russian-Ukrainian war has caused not only human, material, but also moral and psychological losses for Ukraine. In order to overcome defeats, miscalculations and shortcomings, it is neces- sary to create an adequate program of action in response to the informational actions of the aggressor and try to counteract not only in the military context, but also informational, combining their methods and tools. It is noted that the information and psychological special operations and information and propaganda campaign involving Russian special services, the use of a wide range of disinformation measures caused a powerful destructive impact on the minds of citizens of eastern Ukraine and Crimea and adjacent territories, which contributed to their positive or neutral attitude to aggression has be- come a threat to the national security of the Ukrainian state. It is noted that Predicting the protracted nature of the war, its position, the growth of informational influence of the aggressor, we can predict the growth of Russia's activity in the information space and increase the level of information threats to our state. Accordingly, the search for effective ways to counter Russia's information expansion, primarily of a proactive nature, along with compliance with the rules of information hygiene of both the average citizen and management.


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