
  • Nataliya Romaniuk Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University



culinary diplomacy, gastrodiplomacy, culinary public diplomacy, soft power, national cuisine, international cooperation


The article is devoted to culinary diplomacy as a tool of international interac- tion and its role in world politics. It analyzes various approaches to the inter- pretation of the concept of «culinary diplomacy», summarizes the definition of culinary diplomacy as a tool for improving interaction and cooperation be- tween states, as well as intercultural understanding between peoples. It has been found that culinary diplomacy today softens relations, helps resolve con- flicts, find understanding between states, and is part of the soft power initiatives of many states. The relationship between the terms «culinary diplomacy» and «gatrodiplomacy», which are often equated, is analyzed. It was determined that these are different concepts, since culinary diplomacy acts as a tool of diplo- matic protocol during official contacts between high-ranking officials and dip- lomats of different states, and gastrodiplomacy is a tool of public diplomacy, and aims to increase cultural visibility (primarily of states with an average level development), creating a positive image of its national brand. The new concept of culinary diplomacy «Sam Chapple Sokol» proposed by the American food researcher S. Chapple-Sokol, which is based on three pil- lars, is described. The first pillar involves formal interaction between senior officials and diplomats in public or behind closed doors and is represented by private culinary diplomacy or «Track I Culinary Diplomacy». The second pil- lar of culinary diplomacy involves government interaction with the public of other countries and is represented by gastrodiplomacy. The third pillar involves interaction between the public of different countries and is represented by pub- lic culinary diplomacy. It includes any project or idea that mostly involves non-state actors without the express purpose of advancing a nation's foreign relations. Examples of the implementation of various subtypes of culinary di- plomacy in the world today are given, and the influence of culinary diplomacy on international interaction is shown. Various projects of culinary diplomacy of Ukraine are characterized.



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