On the issue of the definition of «lustration»





lustration, decommunization, lustration mechanism, destruction of power


The article studies the concept of «lustration» and its transformation from ancient times to the present. For theoretical study of lustration it is important to study the history of the concept creation, clarification of its content,so the analysis of the notion’s evolution. The lustration institute has undergone a significant path of development and has received various interpretations: 1) it’s an ancient ritual; 2) it’s the fiscal and statistical function of the state; 3) it’s a special check of civil servants or political censorship.

In the course of the research, three components of the  civil servant screening have been identified: verification on the subject of cooperation; disclosure and dissemination of information (names and facts); the exclusion of certain categories of persons from the system of public administration in the new state

The specificity of the general components of lustration can be determined and manifested in each country in different ways. «European Lustration» is an institution of transitional justice, which is itself a procedure designed to prohibit officials of former regimes to occupy influential positions in the state after the  governance change.

In Ukraine, there was a substitution of the notion «lustration» for the term «cleansing of the ranks of power», which have different content load.


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