
  • Serhii Filipov Oles Honchar Dnipro National University



mental space, mental construct, synergy, construction of reality, international propaganda


The article analyzes the structural and functional model of mental space construction. In general, this model demonstrates the key points for influencing the mental space, allowing it to be managed as a dynamic complexity. "Soft" management without rigid imposition of development scenarios provides an opportunity to effectively influence the system and design the desired results. After all, mental space is an open system, it is subject to external influence and further construction. In this work, the main structural and functional elements of this model are analyzed in detail.

The studied passage of the bifurcation point through the system of mental constructs, which is a disturbance in a certain part of the mental space. The principles of provocation of such a system to perturbation and subsequent passing of the bifurcation point are considered. Pushing the system to bifurcation points is an effective method of managing mental space. The introduction of the necessary discourse makes it possible to exacerbate contradictions in society and bring the system to a crisis, after which the system can be brought to the desired state in the interests of the initiator of the construction of the mental space.

Scenario management, which is described in the framework of the synergistic model, allows you to cover the spectrum of possible options for the development of the system after the bifurcation point. The article highlights the main stages of constructing mental space from the point of view of synergy and chaotic systems. A method of constructing attractors for mental space in international relations has been developed. From the point of view of constructivism, national interests are based on identities. This article develops this idea. National interests can be constructed through attractors, which are stable patterns of mental constructs in the open system of the mental space of international relations. These methods of construction have a synergistic basis in the sense that a significant impact is achieved through minor impulses to an open system of mental space.


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