
  • Nataliia Kotsan Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
  • Roman Kotsan Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University



France, excursion, tour, tourist, tourist route, tourism


The article raises the issue of developing cultural and educational tourist routes. Based on the data obtained from the scientific and methodological literature, the features of the cultural and educational tours for certain ca- tegories of tourists are determined, the methodology of their organization is considered. The necessity and prospects for the implementation of new cultural and educational tourist routes are indicated. The project of the cul- tural and educational tourist route «French Extravaganza», which runs along the line Lviv–Paris–Rouen–Caen–Mont Saint Michel–Orleans–Paris–Lviv, is presented. Before the development of this tourist route, an analysis was carried out of the activities of competing firms for the supply of cultural and educational tours to France to the tourist market. In the process of designing a new tourist product of cultural and educational orientation, a topic was chosen dedicated to the historical past of France and the goal, which includes acquainting tourists with the history of the country, the main architectural monuments and modern objects, as well as visiting the most significant cities that played a significant role in the formation and development of France. The concept of a new tourist product has been created, filled with its specific consumer properties that meet the demand of the target market. In accordance with the purpose of the trip, points of the route have been selected, which make it possible to provide a variety of the program of stay The class of hospitality and transport accessibility of the selected points of the route were assessed. The optimal travel route has been identified and its scheme has been developed. After developing the route, a travel plan was drawn up, which reflects the main cognitive task of the tour. Parameters of infrastructure facilities and target groups of a new tourist route have been formulated. Excur- sion objects, places with rich cultural and historical heritage, which are included in this route, are described in detail. The approximate cost of the tour has been calculated. The calculations took into account the nature of demand, the develop- ment of the tourist services market in the country, a package of tour services, the cost of transportation and hotel services. The expediency of developing a new cultural and educational tourist route in France has been substantiated. The im- portance of the newly created route for increasing the tourist demand for tours in France is analyzed. During the development of a cultural and educational tourist route in France, the skills of working on the technology of tourist activities were improved.


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