Institute of Poland., Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Ukraine, Poland, directions of activityAbstract
The article raises the issue of the establishment of laboratories, centers and institutes at Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University. The history of the beginning of the activity of the Institute of Poland of Lesya Ukrain- ka Volyn National University is shown. The priority tasks of its activity are highlighted, including: establishment of library funds; participation in international projects and researches; holding of conferences, interna- tional symposiums, organization; carrying out of training and industrial practices, advanced training courses; establishing contacts and expanding cooperation between higher education institutions of Poland and Ukraine; promoting the spread of Polish culture in Ukraine and Ukrainian culture in the Republic of Poland (holding festivals, competitions, exhibitions, watching movies, organizing concerts, presenting new publications), etc. The following areas of activity of the Institute of Poland of Lesya Ukrain- ka Volyn National University are singled out: information and promo- tional; educational; research; translation; volunteer. The article in details analyzes the results obtained during the implementation of projects and initiatives in each area. It was emphasized that the effectiveness of the Polish Institute depends on the level of organization of work, and the di- rections of operation, moreover the results obtained in them contribute to improving Ukrainian-Polish cooperation at interuniversity, interregional, international levels in all spheres of public life. The article notes that the activities of the Polish Institute have significantly increased in recent years due to the opening of new Polish-Ukrainian initiatives coming from both the Polish and Ukrainian sides. It was noted that in order to increase the efficiency of the Institute of Po- land, its coordinators annually draw up a long-term work plan, one of the options of which is presented in the article. It is emphasized that the results of the Institute of Poland of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University are marked at the national and international levels. It was emphasized that Institute of Poland of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University works in close cooperation and financial support of the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Lutsk, as well as in close contact with the Tadeusz Kosciuszko and Eva Felinska Polish Cultural Societies, the Polish Com- munity and the Federation of Polish Organizations in Ukraine.
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