
  • Vladlena Kotsiuba Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University



public diplomacy, strategy, Ukraine, foreign policy, state image, tool, promotion


The dynamically changing international environment and profound chang- es in the development of civilization require a deep strategic reflection on the place and role of Ukraine in the modern world. Currently, an ambi- tious goal for Ukraine is to create a positive image in the world. An auxil- iary tool for creating such an image is the public diplomacy strategy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2021–2025. The priority of Ukraine's public diplomacy is dialogue, intercultural relations, interpersonal contacts and interaction with foreign recipients. In the strategy, the term «public diplo- macy» is used as a strategic direction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, foreign diplomatic missions of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Institute, which ensures communication and interaction with citizens of other countries to kreate public opinion towards Ukraine, trust, mutual understanding, and promote national interests and the implementation of Ukraine's foreign policy goals. Globalization, the development of digital technologies, the widespread use of social networks, the acceleration of the virtualization of the world by the COVID-19 pandemic and the rapid dissemination of information pose new requirements for public diploma- cy. In this context, the role of media and digital technologies in building the image of the state is significantly increasing. The circle of non-state actors is also expanding, helping the state to promote national interests and a positive perception of the country abroad. Leading experts, repre- sentatives of the public sector, culture and business have been involved in the process of creating the current strategy. Particular attention in the strategy was paid to the using of the Ukraine Now brand and share narra- tives for a clearer positioning of Ukraine in the world.


URL: diplomatiyi-na-2021-2025-roki, 04.01.2022

URL: publichnoyi-diplomatiyi-mzs-ukrayini-ta-nazvav-sim-yiyi-napryamiv, 02.01.2022

Chernenko, Tetiana (2016). The modern dimension of public diplomacy in the sys- tem of strategic communications prioritety, strategic priorities, № 4 (41). URL: file:///C:/ Users/Windows%208.1/Desktop/25,01,2022/chernenko.pdf

URL: file:///C:/Users/Windows%208.1/Desktop/25,01,2022/public-diplomacy- strategy%202021.pdf

URL: ilo-strategiu-ii-rozvitku-poasnue-ekspertka, 06.01.2022

