Black Sea region, national security, deoccupation, hybrid war, geopolitics, destructive technologies, economic potentialAbstract
It is noted that today the Black Sea region geographically includes states belong- ing to various political and military associations, due to the specifics of civilizational identification, excellent philosophy of state-building processes of the Black Sea countries, and internationalization of political processes, crises and conflicts in this geopolitics. Because of this, at the beginning of the XXI century. it became an arena for the clash of geopolitical interests of the Black Sea countries and non- regional states. The peculiarities of the Black Sea region at the beginning of the XXI century, which continues to occupy an extremely important place on the political map of the world, because in addition to its huge natural resources future. The Black Sea region fo- cuses on the geopolitical, military-strategic, financial-economic and other interests of leading global and regional states and associations. At the same time, after the collapse of the Soviet Union for a long time there is a growing security vacuum, which posed a threat to the stability of the entire continent. It is determined that the main strategic interests of Ukraine in the Black Sea region are deoccupation of maritime waste and diversification of maritime routes, access to major markets in the region through the development of convenient and safe transregional transport communications, deoccupation and demilitarization of Crimea. At the same time, our state is interested in eliminating threats to its own security from the East, espe- cially from conflict areas (illegal migration, international crime, drug trafficking, etc.), by creating joint regional mechanisms. It is stated that in the Black Sea region the relations of cooperation and confronta- tion are developing almost simultaneously, the composition of the region is quite chaotic and does not have a clear geopolitical structure, the interests of local inter- national actors are different. For many centuries, the Black Sea coast has been a place of mutual penetration of different cultures and civilizations, a constant clash of geopolitical factors. It is noted that Ukraine should rely not only on the military component (development of the international alliance, first of all with the USA, modernization of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, bringing them to NATO standards), but also pay much attention to soft power technologies.", The formation of a posi- tive image of Kyiv in the international arena, which will guarantee Ukraine further membership in the North Atlantic Alliance and the European Union.
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