Foreign Policy Anddiplomacy of Kyiv: First Steps (VI–IX Centuries)


  • Oleksandr Motsyk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



Kyi, Kyiv, ants, slaves, polianian (polian tribe), Rus, Rus land, Kievan Rus, Riuryk, Askold, Dyr, Byzantine Empire, Constantinople


The first steps of Kyivan Rus statehood development has been analyzed in this article, in particular its foreign policy and diplomacy. The history of establishment of Kyiv and origin of Rus land and its initial territory, as well as the first historically known military-diplomatic campaigns of Kyiv rulers (princes) to Byzantine Empire has been researched. The first known diplomatic treaties of Kyiv which were concluded as a result of above mentioned campaigns has been analyzed. The article covers the period from establishment of Kyiv by Kyi, Shchek, Horyv and their sister Lybid’ (end of V - beginning of VI centuries) till the death (assasination) of princes Askold and Dyr in 882


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