
  • Halyna Panyshko Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University



international organization, international relations, Interpol, Vienna Police Congress, international search, crime, transformational changes, threats


The article highlights the stages of formation and development of the In- terpol organization and its urgent topical tasks, without effective solutions of which international security cannot be stable and long-term. The author substantiates the idea and the importance of creating Interpol aimed at pre- venting the threats of crime, which is general and comprehensive concept by its nature and is one of the main destabilizers of the social development of any state. The civilization development dynamism in the modern world gives rise to new threats: hybrid crimes; dangers for states in the conditions of a pandemic; threats to the information environment; threats related to cy- ber operations; the spread of transnational crime; financing of international terrorism; threats related to corruption, etc. The Interpol National Central Bureau in Ukraine is a specific unit and an integral part of the state law en- forcement agencies’ structure, performing the function of an organizer and coordinator of international cooperation in combating crime and providing direct legal assistance.


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