
  • Galina Kopachinska Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Liubomyr Revaha Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University




geopolitics, geopolitical school, historical stage, France, development, P. V. de la Blache


The article analyzes the formation and development of the French school of geopolitics as one of the leading schools of geopolitical science. The meaning of the concept of "geopolitics" and the main approaches to its definition are revealed. The necessity of research and analysis of the main stages of the formation of the French school of geopolitics is substantiated. The characteristic features of the birth of geopolitics in France are considered and it is proved how the history of the state itself influenced the features of the birth and evolution of geopolitics and geopolitical concepts in France. The main works of domestic and foreign scientists regarding the peculiarities of the formation of the French school of geopolitics are analyzed. Scientific methods are proposed, with the help of which the historical stages of the development of the French school of geopolitics are comprehensively revealed. Based on the research results, the article proposed to distinguish 4 main stages of the historical development of the German school of geopolitics, namely: the 1st stage includes the chronological boundaries of the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 19th century. XX - it is characterized by the emergence of political geography and geopolitics. It was during this period that the works of E. Reclus appeared in France, who is considered the intellectual father of French geopolitics. Vidal de La Blanche, who became the founder of the French geographical school, also worked actively during this period. The 2nd stage (early 20th-mid 20th) - the scientific activity of J. Ansel, L. Fevre is of great importance. At this stage, contradictions occur in the scientific discussions of France and Germany, which directly influenced the formation of the French school of geopolitics. III-rd stage (middle of XX-end of XX) - at this stage, the issue of post-colonial relations is among the scientific interests of I. Lacoste. This period is characterized by the active foreign policy activity of S. de Gaulle, who laid the main foundation for the further movement of France, and his views became a guide for his successors. The third period of the formation of French geopolitics corresponds to the years of activity of the famous French geographer and geopolitician, the founder of the school of "internal geopolitics" I. Lacoste. The IV stage (end of the 20th century to the present) - French geopolitics is aimed at promoting the idea of ​​creating Europe as a powerful center of the future multipolar world with the aim of occupying a worthy place in it. At this stage, the theory of J. Attali, P. Gallois, M. Fouche, and E. Todd is important for the development of French geopolitics. The article reveals the main characteristics of each of the studied stages. The expediency of their selection in the time frames presented in the article is substantiated. The works of the classics of the French school of geopolitics were reviewed and their main geopolitical ideas and views were analyzed. In the article, special attention was paid to researching the works of modern representatives of geopolitical science, who see France as inextricably linked with the European community.

Key words: geopolitics, geopolitical school, historical stage, France, development, P. V. de la Blache.


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